Carol Sullivan launched the 2-in-1 Kodi bag in the summer of 2014 on Kickstarter. She achieved 120% of her goal in 32 days. "It was really hard, but Kickstarter is such a great opportunity to test and launch a product." Sullivan handled everything herself for the launch, including the homemade video seen below.
Thankfully, campaigners no longer have to attend the school of hard knocks to launch on Kickstarter today. See our list of services below for assistance in your upcoming Kickstarter campaign.
Use our development and production services for your upcoming Kickstarter campaign
Tips for Launching a Kickstarter Campaign:
Aim to achieve 25% of your goal within the first few days. Get friends and family ready for this. It's crowd sourcing, people follow the crowd.
Press!! It's easier than you think, especially local press. People love this kind of stuff.
Build social media and email lists as far in advance as possible. Ideally, start 6 months in advance, but 1-2 months can work, too, if you hustle.
Lots of images- Communicate as much as about your campaign in images as you can.
Aim to deliver for your product's peak season and/ or holiday season
Add something special to your product as a limited edition that only your Kickstarters will have.
Offer and early bird special to discourage people from waiting until the end to see if it will fund.
Plan something big, a give-away, press, etc. in the middle of your campaign. This will be the quietest (and most painful) time.
Last but not least, hustle your buns off, thicken your skin, prepare to lose sleep and ENJOY THE RIDE!!!